1. Juni 2007

Flash Flushed Away

Finally, Flash is dead. Finally I can play legacy again. Everything becomes normal again. Or does it?

Today, Aaron Forsythe released the new B/R list on magicthegathering.com with the good news. Anyway, I think that the errata + banning set up any changes: Due to HulkFlash HanniFish was a very popular choice and I think that a lot of people will play this deck more often from now on. Furthermore I think Goblins will slowly disapear. Of course you will see a lot of goblins the next months, but I think that Flash just where the format will go: The Epic Storm and CRET belcher among others become more consistent from block to block and will finally kill this "lousy" Turn-3-kill aggro-deck - and this future sight will may have an impact already. I'm a bit sad about that, because thats what I like about legacy - its a very diversified format. On the long term, I'm sure, combo will just outrange aggro.
Mind over Matter and Replenish are 2 new combo-cards to help out, but you shouldn't be afraid of them, as they are probably a bit to slow for a format, were the fundamental turn slowly goes down from 3 to 2. Actually I'm happy about the unbannings, as I never really understood why they're banned in legacy.

Just my thoughts...

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