18. April 2007

Magus Rule

from magiccards.info concerning Magus of the Arena:

+ A tapped creature can be targeted. Tapping them again will do nothing, but they will still deal damage. [Planar Chaos FAQ 2006/12/13]

I'll put him in again and test him.

Unfortunately, I have really a lot to do for school - It's the last year and the final examinations will start on monday (at least the written part), I'll post more frequently after the exams - I promise.

10. April 2007

This gonna be short entry, got alot of work...

1. 300 is awesome. I watched it thursday (openin night) with my girlfriend and... I actually I've probably never seen such a good movie. I like it even more then Lord of Rings. Right, even more!

2. School sucks. Our german teacher is a @#°@¬#!

3. The preview cards on mtg.com are hot. Remove a spell from the stack? gain protection as a player? I love these Ideas.

4. Finally I got fable! I know, It's nearly an old game by now, but I had it on xBox from the first day - unfortunately my xbox crashed every time I wanted to play it. So now I got it on PC... okay, maybe I won't work too much tonight. Hey, at least I'm honest.

see ya later!

4. April 2007

Blue (Da Ba De)

The Magic: The Gathering what-color-are-you-quiz:

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Yeah, I'm blue. You?

Squee's embrace + Magus of the Arena + Avalanche Rider

I'm not very confident with this 3 cards in my R/W control. We were playing some multiplayer games this afternoon when I decided to go over the whole deck to kick out the weakest links. I haven't done this for a while but changed a card from time to time (e.g. I put in the avalanche rider because he's so shiny in foil).


Squee's embrace
To kick this one out was an easy decision. back when I build this deck it was more like a Boros deck wins with some controlish elements. I played Skyknight Legionnaire and Boros Swiftblade among others and the 3 balances weren't even part of my collection. After I built in some control elements, it brought my fatties back and had some senergy with balance - thats probably the reason why it stayed so long in my deck. Now it's time to replace it.

Magus of the Arena

I opened a Planar Chaos booster last week, and he was the rare card. I looked at him and thougt: "wow, this guy will be fun - a 6mana 5/5, 3 mana, tap, let him fight against any anoying creature!" I put him into my deck immediately. Well I should have read the card more accurately. The Problem with this guy is, that you have to tap him for the ability and then tap another creature for the effect, so he won't ever stay in the arena himself. Long story short: I have just not enough creatures to support him.

Avalanche Rider
This was a though decision and I'm still not sure about it (Did I mentioned that he's foil?). He's pretty strong after a balance or against some random lands. However, More often than not he's just a 2/2 beater (which probably can't attack anyway) and you don't want him to play pre-balance. This anti-sinergy was in the end the reason why I dismissed him.

Now the cards I test in these slots;

Riftmarked Knight

You'll get 2 2/2 creatures with protection black /white, flanking and haste for 3 mana. Okay, you have to wait some turns, but I think thats worth it. I wont mention the singergy with balance here.

Keldon Marauders
On the first sight, this guy doesn't look to impressive. but he's a 2 mana 3/3 and you'll like to see him after a balance for some cheap action on the table if you haven't got a game-winning gargadon. you may even like to see him pre-balance: he blocks for a turn or two, makes some damage and helps to stall the game until you can play the balance with zero creatures on your side.

At the moment utility creatures are quite popular in our meta and mass-removal is always a good choice. I'll test it, but I think this card has deserved a slot.