10. April 2007

This gonna be short entry, got alot of work...

1. 300 is awesome. I watched it thursday (openin night) with my girlfriend and... I actually I've probably never seen such a good movie. I like it even more then Lord of Rings. Right, even more!

2. School sucks. Our german teacher is a @#°@¬#!

3. The preview cards on mtg.com are hot. Remove a spell from the stack? gain protection as a player? I love these Ideas.

4. Finally I got fable! I know, It's nearly an old game by now, but I had it on xBox from the first day - unfortunately my xbox crashed every time I wanted to play it. So now I got it on PC... okay, maybe I won't work too much tonight. Hey, at least I'm honest.

see ya later!

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